Elevator Pitch

-Baseball has always been a part of my life.
-Spent many a Fall bundled up in right field.
-Although I haven’t made it a successful career like you have for yourself it is a love that is rooted deep within me.
-I’d love to be able to work with your team in order to gather research on a new wave of analytics that is changing the way people like me view the game and people like you manage it.
-My goal is to ultimately model how baseball analytics or saber metrics have impacted the way organizations manage players.
-Attained my associates from U of SC, where baseball is weaved into the culture.
-I am currently studying economics, with a background in mathematics and statistics, and hope to go on to study econometrics later in my academic career.
-I would relish the opportunity to work alongside yourself, staff, and players in order to observe the inner-workings of a clubhouse.
-Along the way i feel as though i can bring a new perspective in a way that could benefit your team on an academic level as well as in the W column.
-We would be revolutionary in college baseball, the Oakland A’s of the Big Ten.
-Nothing i would love to see more than a trip to Oklahoma before i graduate.
-Thank you for the opportunity to pitch my idea to you.
